Derbyshire playwright Tina Jay is currently having a great deal of her work produced in London. Her play ‘Walking‘ was recently performed as part of the So and So On Festival. The play is a hard-hitting drama set in a male prison, it’s about power, relationships and survival…

When Jamie becomes Sleat’s new cellmate his youthful dreams and aspiring hopes for the future are slowly and painfully destroyed, as he soon finds himself unwillingly drawn into a predatory system of power and control. Unable to escape from the secrets of his past walking in the shadows, Jamie must once again face the painful torment of his childhood, with a desperate need to be free…

If you get the chance, I would thoroughly recommend you see Tina’s work, it’s thought-provoking, challenging and exciting. This was a great project to design for and hopefully the image for the flyer captures the mood and themes of the play.

Walking a play written by Tina Jay

Walking a play written by Tina Jay